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Rome, 12 July 2019.

Bargaining between confimi and trade unions: Confimi Mechanical is having a dialogue with the trade unions FIM-CISL and UILM-UIL to renew the contract of the category. The will of both, is to go on with the contract expired the last 31 May.

The trade unions have make requests about economical and regulatory aspects. So the bargaining is moving to an increase of the minimum salary in relation with the of the living, to increase the purchasing power of the workers. An annual amount provided for “Contractual Wellness”. A better company contribution for the supplementary welfare and a “plus” for the availability and the business trip compensation.

The bargaining also concerns the relaunch of the industry, promoting the participation of the workers and the trade union representatives to the themes of the work and competences organisation. Also the introduction of 8 hours per year of professional formation, more attention to the conciliation between life and work, lastly the revision of the requirements for the health fund “PMISaluite” to allow to keep the registration in the event of cessation of the employment relationship.

A consultation that would be perceived as mentioned  the president of Confimi Mechanical, Riccardo Chini.

“The companies and the trade unions are called today to rebuild the bases of a new competitiveness of the industries, put to the test by the globalisation of the markets” Chini pointed out. “We are working to increase the generational change”.

“Businesses and trade unions are being called upon today to rebuild the foundations for a new competitiveness of the industries in the sector, which has been put to the test by the globalisation of the markets” stressed chini. He added, “Pending the government’s study of measures capable of reducing taxation on labour, it is up to us intermediate bodies to promote the generational renewal of skills and to spread employment. All this with an eye on the employment of young people, whose unemployment continues to be of great concern.In contrast, over 50 is the only band that, from the latest Istat data, sees an increase in employment”.