Here is how to reduce the environmental impact (and also the energy consumption) of your mill, thanks to the measures totally in favor of sustainability. This is an increasingly recurrent theme, so it is important to proceed to improve the milling plants. But also feed mills, bakeries, pasta factories and all businesses in general should reduce the environmental impact.
Let us also remember that each of us must be more environmentally friendly through small precautions to be applied in everyday life.
Every single impact must be analysed of every decision, starting with the environmental one, trying to influence the sustainability of production processes. In particular, businesses need to take a virtuous path to optimise energy consumption.
Below, 4 tips that will help you to reduce the environmental impact of your mill, or your company in general.
The use of renewable sources within plants is a great way to reduce the environmental impact. But this is not enough. We need to focus not only on the type of energy it uses, but also on consumption itself.
The real revolution is to produce the same amount of product with less energy. In a cutting-edge milling plant, about 15-20% of energy is saved, compared to a more dated mill with the same amount of production.
As far as lighting, it would be good to adopt a LED system, reducing electricity consumption.
Good design is essential to achieve a low environmental impact. Molitecnica Sud devotes great attention to this passage, as far as the plants are concerned. Compact and linear structures are designed to facilitate movement. This leads not only to an energy saving of the displacements, but also to an optimization of the spaces in terms of surface and volume.
In addition it is good to follow a careful design of the machinery, so as to find the perfect balance between production needs and energy saving. To achieve this, precise analysis of factors such as routes, capacities, speeds and routes is necessary to adopt the best solution.
To learn more about the design of Molitecnica Sud click here.
The choice of transport systems is also crucial. Mechanical ones guarantee high energy efficiency, but provide less food safety than pneumatic pressure systems. The ideal would be a fair balance between the two systems.
To learn more about the transport systems offered by Molitecnica Sud click here.
Another important way to save energy is the exploitation of the power strictly necessary. Our plants are equipped with engines with high energy efficiency and dimensioned with respect to the actual production needs. Oversizing of engines is reflected in the inevitable waste of energy throughout the life of the plant.
Lastly, it is good to have state-of-the-art control systems. Our systems are equipped with supervision systems that allow the control even remotely.
It is possible to supervise the data in real time, referring them to the outputs of the individual plants. In this way you get a detailed overview of the activity, which allows you to detect any inefficiencies, malfunctions or waste of any kind.
To learn more about the control and supervision systems offered by Molitecnica Sud click here.
Molitecnica Sud non considera un’azienda come un’entità astratta, ma come entità che opera in un contesto sociale e ambientale. Riteniamo sia giusto restituire valore al territorio che ci ospita e che questo si traduca anche nel rispetto dell’ambiente che ci circonda.
For this reason, in addition to designing and building optimized plants, we are committed to having a reduced environmental impact and production that is as sustainable as possible.