• +39.080.3101016
  • info@molitecnicasud.it
  • Mon - Fri 08.00 - 13.00 - 15.00 - 18.00
  • Project Name: Presses Supply
  • Customer Request: Store the semolina and feed the presses of the pasta factory located in Italy
  • Preliminar Analysis: The pasta making plant, following the functional and engineering analyses, highlighted the need for new silos for storing semolina and feeding systems for presses

Solution Proposal

We opted for the design of a storage plant, consisting of steel silos with a total silage capacity of 640 tons. They are complete with pneumatic loading system, in addition to the recirculation system.

The extraction takes place by means of vibrating bottoms that lead the semolina to mixers distributors with several outputs, allowing the selection and the control inside a room in charge. The semolina is then taken to the pasta lines to feed the presses.