Letter on the needs of mechanical engineering world
by Carlo Pellicola, Management Director of Molitecnica Sud and President of Confimi Meccanica Puglia.
Dear Friends Entrepreneurs. Here are my thoughts about the needs of the mechanical engineering world during this period of health emergency.
The recent initiative put in place by the Government, with further restrictions on the freedom of each of us and the possibility of access to the extraordinary redundancy fund, goes in the direction of safeguarding above all the health of the community, including our families, our collaborators and their loved ones.
All this is, of course, necessary to fight this enemy called COVID-19. But it is not enough.
Confimi can and must play a role of absolute credibility. A new model of representation, which must take root in our minds, first of all, and then move to the management authorities, industrial consortia, banks and politics.
Confimi was also the lead of the initiative “F24 I pay” which encouraged to respect the deadline of March 16 for all those who could pay. The initiative has been well received by entrepreneurs, both in Puglia and in the rest of Italy.
Following these premises, it is necessary to better understand the intentions of our Government, because at the moment the decisions taken do not seem to suit our engineering companies. Most companies have in fact opted for the self-suspension of production and work activities. The reasons for this choice by entrepreneurs can be summarised as follows:
I hope that the Italian Government will understand as soon as possible the urgent need to make as much liquidity available to the business world and that it will do so directly and effectively, without transiting from the banks. Only in this way it will be possible to restart immediately and exponentially our country, our Italy.
Carlo Pellicola
Management Director of Molitecnica Sud and President of Confimi Meccanica Puglia
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