A birthday for solidarity. Last October 8, Carlo Pellicola, Management Director and associate of Molitecnica Sud, celebrated his birthday. Forty candles on the cake that Carlo had to blow out. For the occasion organized an event at the plant of Molitecnica Sud in Altamura. Here, on October 12, 2019, he gathered friends and relatives to spend an evening whose prerogative was to help others. In fact took part in the event the association Onlus “Una Stanza per un Sorriso (A Room for a Smile)”.
There are 120,000 women in Italy who face cancer every year (48,000 new cases for breast cancer only).
Their lives are suddenly overwhelmed by illness. Women, in addition to the need to understand their destiny, the effort to undergo treatment, the social changes they encounter, look in the mirror and often do not recognize themselves.
Chemotherapy, with its side effects, puts a strain on the self-esteem, their aesthetics, revealing the fear of exposing oneself and not allowing one’s self to be seen and recognized.
“Una Stanza per un Sorriso (A Room for a Smile)” designed to help patients improve their physical appearance by offering them ideas and advice on how to deal better with the side effects of treatment, to look in the mirror with a smile and start fighting again, all together, stronger than before.
The volunteers, beauticians, hairdressers, psychologists and nutritionists, are available every Monday from 9 am to 1 pm at the Hospital of the Murgia “Fabio perinei” to welcome and take care of those who need.
During the evening, between music and fun, funds were raised for the association. In addition, members of the group of comics from Bari “Mudù” autographed and then auctioned T-shirts. The proceeds of the auction have been donated to the association.
Carlo Pellicola has received from “Una Stanza per un Sorriso (A Room for a Smile)” a certificate of thanks for his particular sensitivity towards the association.
Molitecnica Sud is proud to have hosted this event of solidarity and reiterates its wishes to Carlo Pellicola.