• +39.080.3101016
  • info@molitecnicasud.it
  • Mon - Fri 08.00 - 13.00 - 15.00 - 18.00

The fluting is a repairing process performed on the mill’s rolls, when they are worn out. Because of the constant use and the continuous milling of cereals, the rolls show some imperfections. Breakages can be noticed on the rolls. Furthermore, the roll’s surface could have some oxide’s encrustations. All of these things do not allow the rolls to make a good mill of the products.

Before the fluting process is performed the rolls grinding. The process is also called “of correction” and it make the roll completely smooth and uniform. The machine uses an abrasive tool. The surface of the roll is ready for the next step.

The fluting process makes new flute on the cylinder. The process is performed by exportation of metal shaving from the surface. The machine uses a cutting edge that progressively removes the materials from the surface of the roll. It is now ready to mill again.

Molitecnica Sud always performed  the fluting process. It was the 1986 when the Knight Giuseppe Pellicola decided, with his sons, to invest for the purchase of a fluting machine.

Today, the rolls given to our workshop, are perfectly repaired thanks to the many years of experience and the qualified personnel.